Thursday, December 14, 2017

Website Project

Designing A Website

Process And Overview

This project was to make a website using Dreamweaver. The website was our final assignment for first semester. We had to use our previous elevator pitch and former projects to make up our portfolio. For e9. this is to give us a look into web design as it isn't a section for Freshman.

To begin with, we had to get the home and style files and copy them to be used first. Then we took a photo to be added to the main page. Then we started setting the default website page by adding our name the header, our elevator pitch below the "Hello!" and our photo to float in the text. The date was added by going to Insert, HTML, then Date, so that it would update each time we worked on it. Then we focused on the sidebar by setting up the two sections and the designated links below.

 To have a link, we went into properties and put in the text needed to go to that page. For the Projects link, we had to make another copy of the home page by using Save As. On the projects page, we deleted the body text/photo, and added in some projects from both quarters and text from our blogposts to explain it. To add a video in, we first had to upload it to Youtube, then embed a html text into the code so that it may work.

Once the pages and their text was set up, we went on to design the page itself. We changed the colors used by going into CSS Designer and using the Selectors for different areas. You then had to go into Properties and change the background colors. For the text, we did the same process, but went into the text option itself in Properties, and also edited the text styles to be what we wanted. Finally, we changed the links colors for when they were active, hovered over, and already visited, seen in the Projects photo.

What Was Learned

For this project, we had to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver and a few basic aspects of code. Along the way, we learned how to make new pages, links, and how to give color to the web design. Also, we were now able to insert various objects, like pictures to float, embedded videos, and code to make different colors of the links depending on what happened to them. Now, we're able to make a simple site with a menu going to other pages in the sites and going out to other websites. Overall, we learned how to use Dreamweaver Files, CSS Designer, the ways of viewing them, and everything in between.

Experiences And Thoughts

From designing my site, I will remember the multitude of actions that go into making one thing for the whole. I thought that I did pretty well for it, and did it in a timely matter. If I didn't have what I needed done, I would come in after class to finish it, something we'll surely have to do as the years go on. The = experience that I'll be sure to remember is that if you're having trouble, watch a tutorial if needed, but always keep trying and editing to get what you want.

My General Response

This was nice to get a look at Web Design and what goes into it, as it's an option next year and we don't get a quarter in it as freshman. It was interesting to learn how the code looked and behaved behind the design side we always see. I enjoyed going through each section and completing it so that it actually looked and functioned like an every day site. Though it isn't what I would consider doing in life, it's a good skill to have in this technology based world.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sketchup House

Sketchup House and Animation

The Project's Overview

For this project we had to create a house in the program Sketchup. The goal was to make it as realistic as possible using a model. Before this we had steps to make a chair, but for this we had to experiment and keep making errors to get the final project. We had to find our own textures to use then make a video to show it off.

The Project Process

First, we had to go to this website and find one that was over 500 feet and specific rooms and height. Then, we had to begin making it in Sketchup. I began with rectangles and the general shape of the building. Then I pushed them up to be 3D, and began to add the extras that came off of my base. Next was the doors and stairs, and thee roof, which had to be moved upwards in a point for the later, and changed planes to give a natural feel in both. For the final building process were the windows, which were rectangles, pulled out, then made into components so that they could be repeated and copied objects. The last design step was to find our own textures and color the home completely with seamless textures. Finally, we set up the scenes and made the animation.

What Was Learned

We learned how to better use Sketchup and to make complex shapes. We especially learned the importance of measurements and how to make the objects the correct length. Also learned and used was the push/pull tool, move tool, offset, components, measurement, and general movements. The main thing to learn in this project was how to use shapes and make them into a realistic house, with shadows, design, and how it presented itself.

Next Time: Different 

What I would do different next time would be to better follow the house I chose as a reference. Especially in the roof because I could never get it down correctly, and in the end decided just to make my own. Also, the porch was never separated as I made it a component too soon and couldn't edit it after that. I would also work the make the lines more precise and the figures more connected. There were little additions I wasn't able to do this time, so next time I would spend more time on the small things.

Next Time: Same

What I would do the same next time would be the textures I used. Keeping a set amount of colors and textures, then spreading them out with alteration, was something I enjoyed doing. I would also continue to have the windows differ on various rooms, and make the doors different. Also, I would start from the ground up because that made it easier to then add on in most parts.

Experiences To Remember

I will make sure to remember the complexity of creating objects within Sketchup. The time it took and the constant errors will never leave me. I was frustrated at times, but by persevering, I was able to make my project the best I could. Like with my previous projects, one of the most important things to remember that things will not end up as planned, and that's okay, giving you an opportunity to make something even greater.

My General Response

The idea seemed so simple and straightforward, but Sketchup had proven itself not to be in the slightest. Though some of the mistakes were funny to see, they were not welcome at all. The process was draining to a degree, but I still learned something from it, and to a degree, enjoyed it. I liked having an actual, complex product come out of all my time and errors, and making the animation was the most satisfactory part to it. It was difficult, but worth it, and I would do it again.

House Information

This is the house I based my project on.

These are the textures I used on some of my home.