Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Designing A Logo

Logo Project

The Complete Process

This project was to make a logo to represent us. We first started off with doing sketches to find a possible match or a way to go down. I tried to base mine on the J in my name, and tried to find ways to incorporate various shapes into the design. 

Then, we decided 4 possible designs, but would focus on 3, to put into Adobe Illustrator. Two of mine would be in a diamond shape, with the next one being in a circle. I tried to keep mine a sturdy, strong shape, but ended up preferring the unbalanced look of the first design.

Moving to Ai, we took the possible designs and attempted to remake it like how we imagined, but often went down different routes as we experimented with it. I had trouble the the font of the J and making it line up to make an arrow go up, and would finally get a close replica near the bottom. I had to play with the points, curves, and contrast before finally getting this after many days.

Next, we took the chosen design from above, and looked at versions of it with different colors. I focused mainly on cool ones, contrast, and what type of scheme would look the best and would fit my image. Being stuck between the gray/black and light blue/dark blue logo, I ended up taking the latter on popular vote.

 Finally, the look and color chosen out, I have my logo.

The Design Aspect

This logo was chosen for its font, color, and shape due to what we have been learning for the past quarter. I chose the font to be sturdy and set, yet still curvy and movable; moving towards fixed goal. Also, this allowed my to keep the top of the J and emphasis the arrow going up. The monochromatic blue is the symbolize the loyalty an trust I bring to an unbalanced, contrasting shape that would otherwise appear unstable. This shape also shows how I am a risk taker with connected ideas.

In Real Life

Here are some examples of my logo on actual products and in the real life to show how it might look.